Impacting Your Path to a Healthy and Promising Future

A community of advocates.


When a client comes to The Impact Foundation, they are aware that their struggles and actions have not provided a healthy and productive lifestyle that is necessary to thrive. With the support of therapy, coaching, and a designated personal steward, the client will receive guidance and tools to create a set path through issues relating to anxiety, depression, recovery, sober living, and beyond. Eventually, we hope to see all clients partner with the foundation to help others in need. They too will Steward the next generation to Wellness, Recovery & Liberation.

Why Impact?

No one should lose the light of a loved one because they lack the resources and funding to get the care they need. This is why our foundation works in part to assist in supplementing cost, known as “benevolent aide”. We do this via a consensual agreement between both parties, while on the journey of life restoration for clients who are struggling and may even be suffering from addiction. Our process walks alongside you/your loved one and family. Offering a steward, professional resources, and where needed, financial support.

We offer a process with actionable steps catered to the individual’s journey of wellness and even sobriety, sponsored (where applicable) by The Impact Foundation. We advocate for the individual by managing their process through each step:

Identification, Analysis, Recovery, Sobriety, Wellness, to then Create a Sustainable future.


What We Do

We provide a catalog of resource professionals & their services to work with those who struggle with anxiety &/or depression which leads to substance abuse. We advocate for the individual by managing their process through each step: Identification, Analysis, & Execution to address the issues pertaining to Mental Wellness, Recovery, Sobriety to then create a desired and sustainable future. With the support of continue care via therapy, coaching and action steps along with their designated Steward, the client will receive guidance and tools to create a set path through recovery and beyond.


Sustainable Wellness.

We know that empowerment and self-determination are the foundation to reducing the social and psychological effects of stress and trauma.

Once a client has worked through their process, we want to assist with sustainable wellness that empowers them to lead a healthier life. The client’s designated steward will stay connected with them through their therapy and/or coaching journey. As they move into a stable home & work environment, their steward will continue with periodic check-ins for maintenance & management. Eventually, we hope to see our clients partner with the foundation to help others in need. They too will steward the next generation to Wellness, Recovery & Liberation.

Sign up for our 4th Annual Golf Tournament!


“Strength grows in the moments when you think you can’t go on but you keep going anyway.”

— Anonymous


General Info
(626) 360 5118

Administration, Partnerships & Funding